It’s easy to feel disconnected sometimes, from people and from God. Join us for this message as we learn the first two of First Lutheran’s core values, values that spring from Jesus’ work to heal these disconnections: Jesus Makes Us Family & Deep Roots Make Good Fruit.

Heart of the Father

What we do is just the outward shape of who we are. This is the first message in a 4-part series that helps us see what God is doing in us.

Because He Lives!

The future always feels uncertain. And what happens after death is a question everybody has to face. Join us for this message as we learn what the resurrection of Jesus says about our sure and wonderful future...and also about our present!

From Enemies to Friends

We live in a world that gets more and more divided. We’re better at making enemies than making friends. But this too is a sickness that that the cross of Christ can heal. Join us for this message to learn how Jesus can move us from enemies to friends.

From Me to We

Relationship is central to the purpose of the Cross. The Cross was God’s instrument used to restore our relationship with God, and to draw us back into relationship with each other. What might it look like to live as family to each other as God’s people?

Join us this week as we continue our series Because He Died. This week, we see that God is not indifferent to the world, but came to show us His compassion. Because He died, we know God cares and wants to move our heart to care like His.

From Bondage to Freedom

Freedom. Did you know that the cross of Christ brings not only forgiveness for sin but freedom from it? Join us for this message as we learn how God invites us to walk one step at a time in His freedom.

Shame to Honor

Guilt is one thing. Shame is another. To feel guilt is to feel badly about what we did. To feel shame is to feel badly about who we are. And the cross of Jesus is the answer to both.

Guilt to Forgiveness

Why did Jesus die? Was he a tragic hero? A martyr? Was execution by crucifixion really necessary? Join us this week as we start a new series called Because He Died, to learn about the many things that Jesus’ death means for us and our world.

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