Jesus makes us Family

Sunday Worship

Coming Up

Sunday Sermon Series

Each Sunday of Lent, we will learn how Jesus teaches the heart of God through parables, current events of his time, and by his own actions.

Campaign Begins Mar 12

Our Raising Hope Campaign helps us pack 100,000 meals for our Haitian friends in the fall. Watch the thermometer grow through the Lenten season.

Wednesdays | 4:30 p.m.

Worship with us in the Sanctuary. We are following the Holden Evening Prayer Service.

March 12-April 9

Commune with your church family before or after worship. We are looking for helping hands for these dinners. Sign up if you can!

Save the Date!

Help us kick off Manitou Days at the annual Community Garage Sale. Vendors, you can grab your spot today!

Starts March 19 | 6 p.m.

We are doing something a little different for the Catalyst discussion Group this spring. We are focusing on our newly minted values, so we want everyone to consider coming to this Lenten offering. It is still our pathway to membership.

Sundays | 10-10:30 a.m.

Students in 6th-12th grades gather on Sunday mornings in the Large Choir Room each week to have breakfast treats and enjoy a short activity.

Friday | Apr 11 | 1-3 p.m.

Fare for All is a nonprofit organization working at the intersection of Equity and Access to fresh, sustainable foods. From farming to distribution, they provide fresh food across Minnesota and Wisconsin. No registration is needed - just come by the Commons at CGLC and take advantage of the great deals on produce and meats!

April 20 | 7:30, 9, & 10:30 a.m.

You have five opportunities to worship with us. Join us as we sing Hallelujah to the Risen King.

New Current

Pick up your copy of the February/March edition of the Current at the Information Desk and stay plugged in!