Each Sunday of Lent, we will learn how Jesus teaches the heart of God through parables, current events of his time, and by his own actions.
Students in 6th-12th grades gather on Sunday mornings in the Large Choir Room each week to have breakfast treats and enjoy a short activity.
9 & 10:30 Worship Services - Come and listen to music and testimonies of God's grace in lives changed through the power of Jesus Christ.
Back by Popular Demand! Join the cool cats at church for a casual dinner at Oliver's in Shoreview. Sign up on Church Center.
We observe the beginning of Lent with the imposition of ashes. Lent is a season before Easter, and we intentionally focus on Christ's journey to the cross.
4:30 Worship utilizing the Holden Evening Prayer Service, followed by 5 o'clock Dinner in the Commons.
Retired Old Men Eating Out. Men gather at Perkins for breakfast, prayer, and fellowship.
Fare for All is a nonprofit organization working at the intersection of Equity and Access to fresh, sustainable foods. From farming to distribution, they provide fresh food across Minnesota and Wisconsin. No registration is needed - just come by the Commons at CGLC and take advantage of the great deals on produce and meats!
Meet over lunch and learn more about CGLC at this in-home informal gathering! We meet at Joe and Lisa Ehrman's home.
Pick up your copy of the February/March edition of the Current at the Information Desk and stay plugged in!