Jesus makes us Family

Sunday Worship

Coming Up

Lenten Sermon Series

Each Sunday of Lent, we will learn how Jesus teaches the heart of God through parables, current events of his time, and by his own actions.

Sundays | 10-10:30 a.m.

Students in 6th-12th grades gather on Sunday mornings in the Large Choir Room each week to have breakfast treats and enjoy a short activity.

MNATC Choir This Sunday | Feb 23

9 & 10:30 Worship Services - Come and listen to music and testimonies of God's grace in lives changed through the power of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday | Feb 26 | 5:30 p.m.

Back by Popular Demand! Join the cool cats at church for a casual dinner at Oliver's in Shoreview. Sign up on Church Center.

Monday | March 3 | 11:30 a.m.

In March, JULIET will meet at Acapulco Restaurant in Maplewood.

Wednesday | Mar 5 | 11:30 & 6:30

We observe the beginning of Lent with the imposition of ashes. Lent is a season before Easter, and we intentionally focus on Christ's journey to the cross.

Worship & Dinner in Commons

4:30 Worship utilizing the Holden Evening Prayer Service, followed by 5 o'clock Dinner in the Commons.

Thursday | March 6 | 9 a.m.

Retired Old Men Eating Out. Men gather at Perkins for breakfast, prayer, and fellowship.

Friday | Mar 14 | 1-3 p.m.

Fare for All is a nonprofit organization working at the intersection of Equity and Access to fresh, sustainable foods. From farming to distribution, they provide fresh food across Minnesota and Wisconsin. No registration is needed - just come by the Commons at CGLC and take advantage of the great deals on produce and meats!

Sunday | March 16 | Noon

Meet over lunch and learn more about CGLC at this in-home informal gathering! We meet at Joe and Lisa Ehrman's home.

New Current

Pick up your copy of the February/March edition of the Current at the Information Desk and stay plugged in!