Nov 13, 2011
Solomon: A Time of Blessings and ChallengeWe’ve learned the church of Jesus is called to be a different people, a colony of the Kingdom for the sake of the world. What does that different look like? Join us as Danny Housholder teaches us about Jesus' call to his people to be a selfless and serving community.
Do you have a tendency to worry? Where does worry come from? Could following Jesus help us live with faith and greater peace? Join us as Danny Housholder teaches us how to live life without worry.
We are often quick to judge others. Or we have felt the sting of judgment ourselves. But in a good and beautiful life, we learn from Jesus to live without judging. Join us for this message to learn more.
When we are wronged by someone, there’s a part of us that wants to get even. We want our revenge. An eye for an eye, right? That’s only fair. But Jesus sets us free from our impulse to get even and leads us in a better way. Join us as we learn to live without revenge.
Managing money is a challenge for everyone, and many of us don’t understand the role of money in a good and beautiful life following Jesus. Join us for this money to discover the freeing power of Jesus’ good news as we learn to live without the deceptive power of greed.
In today’s message, we learn and celebrate the story of the first Christian Pentecost and learn about being filled with God’s Spirit. Join guest preacher Eric Bluhm as he teaches about life in the Spirit.
Where does a person’s value come from? Does it come from our appearance, performance, or wealth? When we know our value in the Kingdom of God, it frees us from the twin traps of pride and insecurity and empowers us to give value to others.
Our church is exploring a new name for itself. Join us for this message to learn why sharing God’s heart for those who don’t know Jesus would lead us to this question.
We lie or rationalize as a result of our fear of loss or desire for gain. Security in love, born from our Kingdom identity, creates honest speech and merciful truth. When the Holy Spirit changes our center from fear to love, we can respond to unideal circumstances with simple, contented honesty instead of webs of deceit.
Sexual desire is meant for good, but many people feel trapped and struggle to express it well. When we learn who we are in the Kingdom of God, we can be set free from lust to love and be loved in wisdom and purity.
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Nov 06, 2011
David: A King after God's Own HeartOct 30, 2011
Of Judges and KingsOct 23, 2011
The Promised LandOct 16, 2011
A Free and Holy PeopleOct 09, 2011
RescueOct 02, 2011
God Intended It for GoodSep 25, 2011
UnstoppableSep 18, 2011
FracturedSep 11, 2011
The Story of God, The Story of Us: Creation