People are like Legos. We were made to connect with each other. In our Apprenticed series this week, we’re learning about Jesus’ In, that is, his relationships with other people who knew and loved God. Join us for this message to learn about your own “In,” and to grow in Christian community.
Our relationship with God gives life to all our other relationships. As apprentice-disciples of Jesus, we are learning to live a life Up, In, and Out. This week we’re going to read some stories from Jesus’ life that teach us especially about our “Up.” Join us for this message to help you grow “Up.”
Has anyone ever apprenticed you? Maybe as a craftsman or artist or in some other way? Jesus wants to apprentice us in life. Join us for this message and learn more about what Jesus meant when he called us to "make disciples."
Why Proclaim? In Paul’s final prayer in Ephesians he asks twice for fearlessness in proclaiming the Gospel. Both knowing our own failings and worrying about other’s reactions can paralyze us with fear when we think proclaiming is selling people on something! But the Gospel is not Good advice we’re peddling, it’s Good News! In Jesus, God’s saving love has come to us! With Paul, may we pray to know the perfect love of God, both for us and our neighbor, that casts out fear!
Why Fight? The Bible teaches us to understand the spiritual nature of the conflicts we face and the high stakes of the struggles we engage. Join us for this message to learn more about these conflicts and about the promise of God's victory for his world.
Join us this week as Mike Bradley of the Master's Institute preaches about how to make a more positive environment.
The word, "submit," is a powerful and charged word that can lead to incredible abuse or devotion. Join us today as we look at why we are called to submit to one another in our closest relationships.
You were created to be like God. That truth can bring joy and beauty to life, but it can also be bring trouble when we turn toward other things to meet the needs in our life that only God can meet. Join us this week to learn what Ephesians 5 means when it says to "Follow God's example."
What does the word "holiness" mean to you? Join us for this teaching from Ephesians 4 to learn about the Bible's call to a thriving life of holiness and joy.