Do you ever wonder why we believe and do the things we do? We’re starting a new series this Sunday called “Why?” It’s based on the New Testament book of Ephesians and will help us ask and answer questions like “Why grace?” “Why pray?” and “Why the church?” Join us this Sunday to explore our first question: “Why the Bible?”
We’ve spent the last year learning the shape of The Big God Story. Join us this week to listen to our pastors discuss how that story has been shaping their lives and invite you to consider the same.
The book of Revelation can feel like one of the scariest and most complicated books in the Bible. But it tells a story that is also very simple, a story to encourage broken hearts and to call us to Jesus. Join us this week as see the future of The Big God Story in the book of Revelation.
This week in the big god story, we get to learn about the first Christian's passion to know Christ and make him known in the world.
The conversion of Saul the Pharisee to Paul the Apostle of Jesus Christ began an amazing story of Christian history that shows us how God is at work in the world. Paul’s story is an inspiring one in itself, but Paul’ story isn’t just about Paul. His story reminds us that where Jesus is honored as Lord, God will use each heart in different ways to glorify God and build disciples.
What does it mean to be “spiritual”? Join us this week to read in the book of Acts about God’s gift of the Spirit and the Spirit’s work in our lives.
Everybody has wounds and scars that are a part of their story. When Jesus was raised from the dead, he showed Thomas his scars and invited Thomas to believe in Him. Join us for this message to learn what God can do in our wounds through the power of the risen Jesus.
On palm sunday jesus rode into jerusalem as king to the people crying out "Hosanna" which means "Lord save us". But the salvation he came to bring would go much deeper than their expectations.
Jesus entered the ancient Jerusalem Temple and turned over the tables of the merchants there and drove them out the temple. What was he so angry about? What was he saying about worship and obedience to God? Join us this week to take a closer look at this climactic scene in Jesus’ life and to learn what it means for us.