Jesus Christ changes lives! Hear the stories of how the Holy Spirit has been at work in the lives of these men and women.

Walking in True Love

To love in community means to walk in both love and truth. How do we keep walking with Jesus this way and not run ahead of him in our own way?

The Labor of Love

How do we love our neighbors in the world while not becoming ensnared by the broken systems of the world? It's hard work to love this way.

Easter 2022

From Hosanna to Crucify

Holy week brings us from crowds yelling Hosanna, to crowds yelling Crucify Him. How quickly our hearts can lose hope! Hosanna is a word that means both "Save us" and You Save” Only the crucified one can truly take on the burdens of the world, and he does so even for those who cry, Crucify. What do you need to leave at the cross this week?

What does it mean to exercise power as a follower of Jesus? The answer is a matter of life and death.

Power, Prestige, Popularity, Money, and Comfort are all things that people equate with "Success" in life, but Jesus shows us that a life successfully lived is a life marked by servant hearted love. How does knowing Jesus challenge your idea of success?

What's the Problem

How do we come up with solutions for the many things that affect our lives? First, we must clearly define the universal problem - sin.

Who is on Your Team?

Every team is put together for a purpose- and takes 'players' with diverse gifts in order to accomplish that purpose. How can we encourage our teammates, and together live our mission to love those not yet on "team Jesus" so they want to know him too?

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