Worry is a heavy burden to bear but a regular feature of life. Jesus shows us why it’s not needed in a life with Him and how we can find freedom from our worry and fear.
Treasures come with security and risk. They represent value, but losing them is painful. Jesus leads us to find and store our treasures in Him, where they will be safe for now and forever.
Prayer is personal and natural, but just like everything else, it can also be learned. In the “Lord’s Prayer,” Jesus teaches us how to pray for God’s will in our lives and our world and leads us on a journey that has the power to reshape our deepest desires.
It’s not a competition, and it’s not a show. Our Heavenly Father loves us as his own, and he invites us to serve him from the heart. Showy religious displays are a burden and a trap, and Jesus teaches us the joy of quiet faithfulness to our Father.
We all learned life from someone. Jesus teaches us that we are children in the family of God, and that our family believes and lives by some wonderfully different truths. Join us for this message to learn what Jesus says about life in the family of God.
Every group of people lives by some kind of code. Some have clearly written rules. Some are looser and more flexible. Jesus aims to heal the heart of our relationships and create a Christian community that is transformed by the love of God and filled with love for one another. Join us for this message as we learn to see and live out Jesus’ vision for a better way to live together.
We all have a story, no matter what it is. We all have a future, but it hasn’t been written yet. Join us for this message to learn how Jesus teaches us to understand our place in God’s story, and to be strengthened for the chapters He still wants to write in us.
Everybody seeks the good life somewhere, and Jesus tells us where to find it. In a famous passage called “the beatitudes,” Jesus stretches our imaginations to find and experience blessing and joy where we might never have had the courage to look. Join us for this message to begin to imagine how good life in God’s Kingdom can be.
Have you ever wondered how your life could make a difference beyond yourself? Join us this week, as we see how the way of Jesus leads us to make an impact beyond ourselves into eternity.
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