On the Move

Our church is exploring a new name for itself. Join us for this message to learn why sharing God’s heart for those who don’t know Jesus would lead us to this question.

Learning to Live without Lying

We lie or rationalize as a result of our fear of loss or desire for gain. Security in love, born from our Kingdom identity, creates honest speech and merciful truth. When the Holy Spirit changes our center from fear to love, we can respond to unideal circumstances with simple, contented honesty instead of webs of deceit.

Learning to Live without Lust

Sexual desire is meant for good, but many people feel trapped and struggle to express it well. When we learn who we are in the Kingdom of God, we can be set free from lust to love and be loved in wisdom and purity.

Gospel of the Kingdom

How can we live in the power of Jesus’ resurrection? How does Jesus form the good and beautiful life in us? Join us for this message to learn more about Jesus’ most central and life-restoring teaching.

Resurrection Life

What if today could be the day you look back to in 6 months and say, “That’s the day my life began to change”? What if the Resurrection of Jesus not only meant life after the grave, but life before the grave too? Join us for this message to start a journey toward the Good and Beautiful Life.

How to Make a Pickle

Most of us are moving really fast. But are you moving in the right direction? Join us for this message to be restored by learning to slow down and listen to Jesus.

Mission of Hope

God Transforms

God loves us just as we are, in spite of our sin and brokenness. But does God leave us there? Or can he do something about it? Can God set us free? Join us for this message to learn about the God who transforms and frees us.

God is Self-Sacrificing

God chose to be near us in our deepest need, and he still does. Jesus chose the risk and sacrifice of incarnation and even death for us. This is the highest act of love. God enters our pain to love us in it, and to save us through it.

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