So That We May Understand

On Pentecost we see the Lord fulfilling his promise to send the Holy Spirit to the disciples. As the death and resurrection of Jesus fulfilled the Passover covenant, and established a new one, so in Pentecost, through the Holy Spirit God opened up power for us to know and participate in a new harvest of life.


Hurt is a common experience for all of us. We all need to hear some good news. In this message we learn the story of Jesus’ “ascension” to the Father and discover why that’s good news for us and our world. Join us this week if you and your world need some good news that matters.

Down and Out

The resurrection of Jesus should be a powerful force for good in our lives, but too often it seems to leave everything unchanged. What has come down from God doesn't always go out from us. Join us for this message to learn how our previous “normal” can be overcome in a life with Jesus.

Awake to Extraordinary

Our ordinary lives today.

The Marks of Jesus

Got wounds? We all do, even Jesus. Join us for this message to learn more about the struggles we face in life and the hope we can find in them.

The Aha Moment

Following the crucifixion, two disciples of Jesus hear about Jesus’ resurrection, but the story seems too incredible to believe. As they are talking about all that has happened the resurrected Jesus himself comes along beside them, but they are kept from recognizing him until they arrive in Emmaus. In that ‘Aha’ moment, they see that they are not just standing outside this story, to evaluate it. They are part of it! .Our risen Savior calls us too, to be part of this next chapter of his story!

Awake to Wonder

Our world is anti-wonder. We create the most amazing things, but we’ve mostly lost the ability to be amazed. But the stories of Jesus’ resurrection are filled with a counter-cultural sense of wonder and amazement. Join us for this message to re-learn the joy and power of wonder.

Easter Eggs

Could Easter actually be true? Could a reasonable, thinking person believe that a dead man named Jesus is really alive? And if it were true, would it matter today? Join us for this message to learn about the history of Easter and what it could mean if it were true.

Alabaster Jar

Far too many Christians have gotten in trouble by allowing religion to substitute for a relationship with Jesus. But one woman in the Bible got this just right, and Jesus himself said that everyone who hears about him should hear about her actions. Join us for this message to learn why.

Life's Jumping Points

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