
Some things in the Bible are easy to understand but other things require time and effort to comprehend. Are you willing to "chew-on" the tougher things in order to grow?

Who is the mysterious character named Melchizedek and why is Jesus compared to him?

Enter Into Rest

Hebrews 4 gives both a warning and a proclamation of grace, imploring us to enter into the rest God freely gives us in Christ. We are called to "Trust Fall" into his grace. True freedom, true rest is ours when we give up striving to be our own saviors, and trust we are caught eternally by a power greater than our own.

How do Christians view Moses and how does that impact our relationship with Jesus? Hebrews 3 helps us connect the dots between the house-keeper and the master builder.

The Pioneer

A Pioneer is one who goes first, where no one else has gone before. A Pioneer helps others to follow where he or she has led the way. Jesus is the Pioneer of our salvation. We are not called to make a way, but simply to walk in the way, and to show others the way Jesus has opened for us.

The Focus of Faith

Hebrews 1 introduces us to a concept found throughout the book: Jesus is superior to anyone that has come before him, and he is the full revelation of God.

Holy Spirit 101

The Holy Spirit was never meant to be advanced doctrine. In fact, he's really at the start of every Christian's journey of following Jesus.

Jesus Christ changes lives! Hear the stories of how the Holy Spirit has been at work in the lives of these men and women.

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