The Mission Begins

What's your mission? The Holy Spirit often works to draw us into the mission of Jesus in very specific ways! What are you being drawn to notice? How will you respond?

Strange Fire

What does it meant worship God "in the Spirit and in truth?" AsJesus spoke with aSamaritan woman, he addressed some misconceptions about worship that remain to this day.


The Holy Spirit is always in motion; inspiring us to love God and moving us to serve others. There is no other way to go!

Ask, Seek, Knock

Of all good gifts our heavenlyFather gives us,the best is the gift of the Holy Spirit -but sometimes we only begin to understand that gift through the process of our asking and seeking!

Jesus the Baptist

John the Baptist came to prepare the way but Jesus came to be the way and show the way of the Holy Spirit.

Hope is On The way!

Jesus the hope of the world. In his post resurrection appearance Galilee, Jesu gives his disciple a mission to share that hope and promise that restores their hope.

Fish Stories

After the resurrection ofJesus, Peter returned to his former life asa fisherman. When the fishing was failing, Jesus reeled Peter to shore and restored him to him first love as first follower.

No Doubt About It

The evening after his resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples. Unfortunately, Thomas missed the meeting! Thomas doubted that Jesus was truly alive until miraculously restored his faith.


The resurrection of changes everything. But even those closest to Jesus struggled to recognize the miraculous transformation around them around within them-until Jesus spoke their name

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