Living Examples

As Christians, we are called to encourage one another in faith and ministry. Today as we hear the stories from prayer lives of people from our own congregation, how might God be speaking to encourage and strengthen you?

Going Deeper

Throughout the Bible, how people pray and God's responses to those prayers take many forms. How does God want to speak to you today? How do we listen?

Date 04.15.18 Series: According to Luke

5.8.18 You Were Made to Know the Living God

Easter is probably the most important day of the year; the most important day ever. Do we really know what we are talking about when we say that Jesus is alive?

What Kind of King?

If we claim Jesus as our King, our lives will be shaped by who he is. Often however we praise what looks like we want and ignore what doesn't. Today we will see our real king and his way of peace.

Net Worth

We are under pressure to succeed and "do well" for ourselves. But Wealth is a hard master, and shows us where our real net worth comes from.

Bigger Barns.

Greed takes many form, and Jesus warns his followers to "watch out" and be on guard against all form of it. He teaches us to "be rich toward God".

Heart Issue

Money is a sensitive, private topic for us, but Jesus taught about money more than any other topic. Today we are learning how our relationship with money can be joyful part of our relationship with God.

Mission of Hope 2018

As an organization following Jesus Christ, Mission of Hope exits to bring life transformation to every man, woman, and child in Haiti. CGLC has been honored to participate in that mission since 2009.

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