Aug 14, 2016
The Worshipping CommunitySometimes it's hard to see what God is up to. A world putting faith on trial kept Paul in chains But God used this scenario to bless the world.
While Paul was in Ephesus he spent a great deal of time clearing upside big misunderstanding about jesus and the Holy Spirit. What might need some clarification for you as it relates to your journey with Jesus?
As Paul turned his attention toward the Greek cities of Macedonia, he encountered many different ideas about God. How do you share God's unchanging with a rapidly changing and diverse culture?
The Apostle Paul was committed to going wherever the Holy Spirit was leading, but sometimes seeing where the Spirit was leading meant waiting instead of walking and listening of talking.
Today's disciple is known by his nickname Barnabas, which means "son of encouragement" because through that gif the Holy Spirit used him to bless the world. Who might God be calling you to encourage today?
When the Lord draws people to himself, he also sends us to each other. Faith grows best in community. Who is the Holy Spirit leading you to learn from or mentor?
What if discipleship looked less like trying to be something you're not and more like being who God already made you to be?
How do we engage in spiritual conversations with unfamiliar people in unfamiliar places? The story of Philip gives us some keen insights into listening and looking for opportunities to share God's story.
The church has internal problems that can hinder our external mission. This is nothing did the Holy Spirit empower the early Church to get the Good News about out the streets? And what did it cost?
What's your mission? The Holy Spirit often works to draw us into the mission of Jesus in very specific ways! What are you being drawn to notice? How will you respond?
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Aug 07, 2016
Who do you say He is?Jul 31, 2016
The Encouraging CommunityJul 24, 2016
A Forgiving CommunityJul 17, 2016
A Christ-Centered CommunityJul 10, 2016
The Serving CommunityJun 19, 2016
Learning to Live without WorryJun 12, 2016
Learning to Live without JudgingJun 05, 2016
Learning to Live without RevengeMay 22, 2016
Learning to Live without GreedMay 15, 2016
Filled with the SpiritMay 08, 2016
Learning to Live without PrideMay 01, 2016
On the MoveApr 24, 2016
Learning to Live without LyingApr 17, 2016
Learning to Live without Lust