
Seeing the Light

The visit of the Magi show us something about God’s plan for Jesus- who came to be Prophet, Priest and King for the whole world. Will you let Jesus show you the light of God’s plan for you?

Christmas Eve

Home Base

We were made for a home, but we often feel far from home, maybe especially during the holidays. The story of the Bible connects with us in our wandering and helps us come home again. Join us for this message to learn how you can find home and share home with others.

Prepare for the Way

Prepare for the Way. This season before Christmas is full of preparations. We can be so busy preparing to celebrate, but what we are preparing for is not actually something that we do. Our Advent preparing is for something that God wants us to receive. How will you prepare your heart for the full impact of His gift this year?

Your Epic Story

Have you ever wondered how you could be a part of a bigger story? Join us this week as we look at the heart of what it means to share in Gods epic story

People have always found their communal identity through a shared story. Do you know God’s story? Do you know that in Jesus Christ, he has written you in to that greater story? Most of the time we need to hear how God works in other’s stories in order to see him in our own. What does the story of God’s work in people’s lives tell you about how he is at work in you?

Our Need for God

The heart of our story is that we all have a need for God. Join us this week as we discover how we can find his healing power in our lives.

Stories of the Saints

What do you do when there is discouragement in your story? Hard times get worse when we feel alone. Join us for this message to learn how to face your discouragement with the courage that comes from Christian community.

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