Wisdom's Voice

Wisdom’s Price

Solomon pleaded with his sons to get wisdom no matter the cost. So what is the price of wisdom for us and how can we pay for it?

How Can We Grow

In Proverbs a father writes to his son, inviting him into a journey of growing in wisdom. In order to do so, first we need to want to grow, and secondly, to accept our teacher, and our role as student. Only the Lord gives true wisdom, and we grow when we remain in him, by learning Jesus, trusting Jesus, and imitating Jesus.

Breath Support

Pentecost is a celebration of the Holy Spirit breathing life into the Church. But this isn't a one-time event. We must keep breathing-in the Holy Spirit if we are to share the life of Christ with others.

Strength in Weakness

Peter finds after his failure Jesus' question to him is not "How could you have done that?" but "do you love me?" A heart that truly seeks him, he will work with. When we turn to him with honest hearts, we find in our weakness, he is strong. His grace is sufficient for us.

Among other gods

How do we engage our post-Christian culture with humble conviction? We have much to learn about "being the Church in the world" from the Apostle Paul as he speaks to the people of Athens.


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