We are under pressure to succeed and "do well" for ourselves. But Wealth is a hard master, and shows us where our real net worth comes from.
Greed takes many form, and Jesus warns his followers to "watch out" and be on guard against all form of it. He teaches us to "be rich toward God".
Money is a sensitive, private topic for us, but Jesus taught about money more than any other topic. Today we are learning how our relationship with money can be joyful part of our relationship with God.
As an organization following Jesus Christ, Mission of Hope exits to bring life transformation to every man, woman, and child in Haiti. CGLC has been honored to participate in that mission since 2009.
Without any fanfare, women played an especially prominent role among the disciples of Jesus. Jesus lead women and men together in ways that continue to be important in our culture today.
The Pharisees were known for hypocrisy and legalism, but who were they really? in this sermon we learn who the Pharisees were and what they can teach us about Jesus.
Jesus often teaches by telling stories. Today, Jesus shows us that following the heart of God's law is often best honored simply through seeing what love sees.
We trust in Jesus' grace and life transforming power even though his power is out of our control
We are more flawed than we imagined and more loved than we ever dared to believe. We are learning today to receive Jesus' truth about our sins and to receive the even truth of his forgiveness.
Jesus Helped people take their hidden brokenness and failure and bring them out into his hope and transformation.
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