
While God judges everyone who follows multiples gods and thins they know what's best, we are actually called to seek humbleness that leads to joy.

In the book of Habakkuk, the prophet asks God the questions, "How long?" and "Why" and comes to realize real hope comes not from the answers but in knowing the one who will answer.


The book of Micah is a message of judgement and hope. It reminds us that we have been shown love and mercy by God. Our response should be to show others love and mercy - to let our actions speak louder than our words.


The whimsical story of Jonah shows us that no matter how far away we run oe how deep we sink, God mercy is always there to find us!

In the book of Nahum God is bringing about justice for oppressed people (short term) but Jesus shows us God's ultimate plan for justice (long term) will through transforming love.


A the heart of the message of Obadiah is warning not to let contempt carry on from generation. What began with Jacob and Esau finds resolution in Jesus' command


Amos takes a hard look at injustice and sends a call out to righteousness. People who are forgotten by God.

Life brings times of devastation for all of us, but our God is a God who brings restoration.

Come Home (When God Speaks)

Through The Prophet Hosea, God sends a powerful message to his people: even when we have been unfaithful to him, still he loves is, and to call us home to his love.

Who are you? What's the problem you are trying to solve? Who's on your side? What does success look like? Being discipled to Jesus involves not only a conversion of our hearts but a conversion of our imaginations'. it means learning to understand ourselves and our world as part of a new better story.

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