Loving God involves confessing where we have fallen short to God, trusting that his promises never fail. This healing inspires us to intercede for one another in prayer.
Our faith bears fruit in loving our neighbor. While we mean to speak life into people, we often bring them down and hurt them. God works in our lives to love others who are made in his image.
While life around us is swirling with chaos, fear and anxiety, it is our faith that anchors us in his presence. Out of this faith, we are able to persevere as transformed people.
Our Christian Faith is scandalous! Not just because of the exclusiveness of Jesus' claims, but also because of the inclusiveness of God's Amazing Grace. What are the things that trip you along the way as you seek to follow Jesus?
The word “scandal” means to trip someone up. The unique things that define our faith in Jesus can be tripping hazards for others. That is why we need to respect the boundaries and know the one who put them in place.
On Palm Sunday, the people cried out: "Hosanna" which means: "Lord, Save Us". In this time of anxiety this is also our prayer! The saving work of Jesus came not through escaping human vulnerability, but by joining us in it. Because he did, we can share in the eternal promise of life with him that nothing can ever take away. In the love of that Jesus, we find peace and hope.
The Church is not under quarantine. It’s just left the building! After Jesus’ resurrection, he commissioned his followers to go make more followers who would go make more followers. Those followers would be and make the Church. What does this commission, along with Jesus’ command to love God and love each other, look like for you in this challenging season
Since Jesus first stepped in to give us his saving grace there’ll always be a next step in our growing walk with Jesus. As we seek the Lord for our next step, how might we also encourage others in their next steps as well?
In order to live into our "Love Pours Out" value, Holy Spirit needs to grow the fruit of kindness and generosity in us.
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