Jesus Family

Today we find Jesus is home with family - Jesus defines family not by lineage, but by love - Our mutual love and devotion for the God who first loved us becomes our family identity

Come On In

When we gather together in various capacities, Jesus is at home with us, providing opportunity to respond to be in authentic community with one another

When Home is Full of Hurt

So often we are hurting, our first reaction is to hide, but when Jesus is invited into our hurt, that's when healing truly begins.

Jesus at Home with Sinners

Jesus loved a good party with some questionable company. What were his motives and what did he hope to teach us about God.

My Father's House

Jesus' parents understood the importance of regular participation in religious life and set an example for him that would continue throughout Jesus' ministry. How are you setting an example for those who will come after you in the Church

A Safe Place

how far will god go to seek and save his lost children? Jesus' encounter with the woman at the well is an amazing example of god's extravagant love that transcends man-made boundaries in order to reach a broken world.

When You are in The Storm

As we face life's storms, Jesus promise is that by his grace we ourselves (not our earthly treasures) will be delivered safely to his shore. Are you valuing what Jesus values in you?


Sometimes it's hard to see what God is up to. A world putting faith on trial kept Paul in chains But God used this scenario to bless the world.

Missing the Point

While Paul was in Ephesus he spent a great deal of time clearing upside big misunderstanding about jesus and the Holy Spirit. What might need some clarification for you as it relates to your journey with Jesus?

Greek to Me

As Paul turned his attention toward the Greek cities of Macedonia, he encountered many different ideas about God. How do you share God's unchanging with a rapidly changing and diverse culture?

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