Hosanna: Lord, Save!

On Palm Sunday, the world imagined the time had arrived for Jesus to step into power, and yet the "glory" Jesus pursued was not in power, but in sacrificial love.

People thought if Jesus would save anyone from death, it would be those he loved most. Bit Jesus show his love not in preventing death, but by what he does on the other side of it.

When You See Him

Seeing is not believing it takes more to develop eyes of faith - but learning to see Jesus in the telling of your story helps open many eyes.

What'dya Have?

In the feeding of the 5000, Jesus transformed and multiplied not only the food but also the disciples' understanding of how he works when we offer what we have to him.

A Nation Transformed

Jesus power can calm the storms both around us and un us. Today Brad Johnson share stories of lives being transformed by Jesus in Haiti amiidst the storms of life.

Of the Mountain and the Valley

The mountain of transfiguration shows Jesus has the power to save us. Jesus choosing to come down to the valley of the cross show us Jesus has the love to save us.


We are forgiven and called to forgive "from the heart." How can deeply wounded people forgive in this way?

Workers are called to work in God's vineyard, which is a community of grace, for the purpose of producing the new wine that Jesus offered at the wedding at Cana. But our heart in this work? The challenge of the parable is that old hearts cannot produce new wine.

Come to The Party

in grace, our Lord calls us to join the party if the feast of heaven that he alone offers. He does this only with a call to respond ourselves,but also to invite others to the party!

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