A Different Way of Seeing

In his sermon on the plain Jesus shocks us out of our numbness in order to help us see the hard road of love, which actually leads to life of meaning and purpose. Will we trust Him to be the foundation on which we build?

Lord of The Sabbath

The pace of life just gets faster and faster. Jesus said he was "Lord of The Sabbath". Can we learn from Jesus how to stop and rest?

Today we celebrate with our high school students who are confirming their Christian faith in Jesus. In today message we learn how to live the christian life together, following the Spirit that speaks in and through all of us.

The Fruit of The Spirit

Rules have their place, but the Christian life is lead by the Spirit not the law. In today's message we learn about the fruit of the Spirit-filled life.

The Presence of God

Is God really here? What does it mean to connect with God? in today's message we'll learn what the bible teaches about the reality and identity of God's Spirit among us.

New Spirit

What can authentic spirituality look like? In today’s message we are learning about the Christian view of “Spirit” and what it means for us practically.

Different Wound, Different Healing

Date:15.10.17 Series: According To Luke

Have you ever had to wonder if there is a light at the end of the tunnel? When Jesus made his first public address, he announced a word of deep and powerful hope.W are learning today to receive and share that hope.

A Test of Purpose

Date:10.01.17 Series: According to Luke

Love Pours Out (Luke)

Finding your purpose or mission in life might seem complicated. But a life of Christian service to others can actually be pretty simple. We are learning today about Jesus' baptism by john and the life for which we are commissioned.

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