Living Water

One of Jesus’ longest, most complicated religious conversations was an interracial discussion with a woman at the end of her rope. What did Jesus say in a time like that? Join us for this message to learn more.

Beyond Our Expectations

Great Expectations

Have you ever noticed how the anticipation of something difficult or the build up to something exciting changes how you experience that very thing? The same thing happens in our relationship with God, our expectations shape our experience. Join us for this message to see how Jesus resets our expectations of God.

When God Moved in

John begins his Gospel by telling us a few key things about Jesus- this Jesus is more than any other human being, and he chose to place his life among human beings. How can one who is the Word of God, the light of the world, also come to be known as the Lamb of God? What does it tell us, that our messiah comes to be known by his scars? We can only learn these answers, as we journey with the one who is the answer.


The miracle of God’s grace is in his “with-ness.” In Jesus God comes to be with us, even in the worst of times. Learning to walk with God means learning to walk with one another as God has walked with us.

You Will Be My Witnesses

We’ve all seen bad examples of “evangelism.” None of us want to be “that person,” so we feel awkward about sharing our faith in Jesus. But the Bible’s images for being a “witness” aren’t like that at all. Join us for this message to learn how to talk about Jesus in ways that actually feel like “good news.”

Who are your neighbors? Do you even know them? Jesus said “Love your neighbors,” but in its most literal sense, that can be a challenge. Join us this week as we learn some first steps for Walking with God in our neighborhoods.

Don't Walk Alone

The first calling Jesus gives us, is to know that we don’t walk life alone, but we walk it with HIM! But that calling to walk life with Jesus always leads to a second calling- to walk alongside others as well. Jesus taught this lesson to Peter in John 21. How is he leading you into your Kairos moment of opportunity?

Listening to God

Walking with God might sound like a fine idea, but how can you know where God is leading? Join us this week for some teaching and stories to learn how God directs us step by step, day by day.

Walking with God

Have you ever noticed that the places we walk and the people we walk wit are a significant part of what makes life meaningful? Join is this week as we explore what it means to walk through life with God.

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