My Brothers and Sisters

If we hope to see grace in every corner of our community, we must start seeing our community through the eyes of Jesus. In fact, Jesus tells us that when we see others, we should serve them as if we were seeing and serving Jesus, himself.

Sowing Seeds

What did it mean when Jesus told his disciples to pray for God’s kingdom to come and God’s will to be done, “on earth as it is in heaven?” It means every one of us has a part to play in advancing God’s will in the world and it is up to us to discover what corner of the world he is calling us to. We each have an area of influence in our community – at work, at home, in our neighborhood, in our school – where God has purposely placed us. Join us as we discover what it means to “cover our corner” with Jesus’ amazing grace!

Easter 2021

A Time to Tear and a Time to Mend

On Palm Sunday, the Sunday before the Cross, Jesus shows us that before the relationship between God and humankind could be mended, first there were things that would need to be torn down. What has built up in your heart that keeps you from seeing Jesus clearly as your Lord? What needs to be torn down, so Jesus can build you up on the foundation of his grace?

9: Tim Fisher with Burger Bar

Tim Fisher is the head chef at Burger Bar, which (spoiler alert) has more than burgers. He's also a hockey aficionado! Hear how he went from working in schools to cutting lawns to being a head chef at one of White Bear's newest, most delicious restaurants. Then, go try them for yourselves!

How to Win the Game of Life

As we close out The Game of Life series we look at our last two commandments: stealing and coveting. Is coveting really that big of a deal compared to murdering? Find out! Also, discover how to win the game of life.

In the Kindest Way

In this command not only are we called not to lie about our neighbor, but also to watch how we speak of them. For flawed human beings like us, our 'truth' about someone may be only our perception. Only the Lord knows the heart, so our tongues are to be 'tamed' by Jesus' grace, as we depend on that same grace as well.

Remaining faithful to your spouse has far-reaching implications in creating a trustworthy world. It is not only about a matter of physical intimacy, but also a matter of honoring each other as image-bearers of God. How does Jesus clarify and amplify this commandment?

Executive Director Perry Petersen of the White Bear Area Food Shelf discusses food insecurity, volunteering, community connection, and why you should consider being on the board of an organization you believe in.

Do Not Commit Murder

In the game of Life, everyone's life matters! God's command to not commit murder speaks not only to the value of protecting life but als to the importance of speaking life into our neighbors by the power of the Holy Spirit.

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