Sep 13, 2015
Best Kept SecretJesus calls us to be salt and light in the world because he came to be the light of the world! What does it look like to be both salty and bright?
In Jesus 'disciples, we see people of all different temperaments and giftings, but as they grow in knowing him, they reflect different aspects of his grace. As his disciples, so do we.
As we jumping into a New year and a New You, the devil is trying to trip us up. Can these three words from Jesus offer us any weapons to fight back? and, if so, do we have to do it alone?
John the baptist prepared people for Jesus through a baptism of repentance (our work to turn toward God. Baptism into Jesus saving work is very different! Only Jesus provides the power; we but surrender to his grace!
Jesus, God's Son, cam at Christmas, AND the invitations began! First, the shepherds... then the wise men... and then you. It's a time for finding Jesus!
Today's service of scripture and song dates to late 19th century. Each lesson is followed by carol reflecting on the lesson's message.
The gift of Jesus is one that comes completely unexpectedly for Joseph. His responses to God's gift not only shows his willing heart, but also reflects God's heart for us.
when Mary got God's news about how he was going to change the world forever she naturally thought of the effects on her life and family. But soon, Mary caught God's Vision for a purpose far beyond her own time and place.
The cry of Advent is "Prepare the way for the Lord!" in this season of preparing for Christmas, how will you prepare the way for Jesus to be welcome in your life?
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Sep 06, 2015
Beyond a DoubtAug 30, 2015
What is Truth?Aug 23, 2015
God so Loved the WorldAug 16, 2015
Remain in MeAug 09, 2015
Where is Your Home?Aug 02, 2015
Beautiful FeetJul 26, 2015
The Good ShepherdJul 19, 2015
What Do You See?Jul 12, 2015
The Source of LifeJul 05, 2015
To Whom Who Shall We Go?Jun 28, 2015
Saying No to JesusJun 21, 2015
Living WaterJun 14, 2015
Beyond Our ExpectationsJun 07, 2015
Great Expectations