Jun 25, 2023
The Wisdom That Helps UsAdvent is a season all about preparing, but our Christmas preparations can actually lead us away from, not toward what our hearts need! While Christmas preparations often involve covering over what we consider broken, Advent preparations involve getting real about them with God, and looking to his promise to meet us in our need. In this bad news world, the good news Jesus brings is only beginning.
In a world of shouting and hurrying, Advent is an invitation to listening and waiting.
In the time of Ezra, the exiles returned. Since unfaithfulness to God's law led to exile, they made fulfilling the law their central focus- losing sight of God's desire for relationship rather than sacrifice. We make idols of things we think we can control, while God really wants to be Lord of our hearts. Through Jesus' death and resurrection he makes of our lives a temple- are hearts are his kingdom territory.
What do we do when the "Fruit" of our lives turns sour? We trust in the grace and mercy of the vineyard owner.
Family life is messy. God's family is no exception. How does God choose to relate to this beloved mess? With open arms and a healing touch for his prodigal children.
God's people have lost the scriptures and are doing all kinds of things that look nothing like him! How did that happen? What will God do? It sounds like a headline for today, but it also rang true over 2,500 years ago in Judah. Hear how young King Josiah addressed the issue, and what we can learn today.
Earthly Kings and rulers seek power over others and glory for themselves which always leads to division, oppression, and destruction. Jesus Christ shows us a different way to live in his power and glory. What does that mean for the Church and for you?
In the book of Ruth, we see how shared faith and sacrificial love connect otherwise unconnected people as family. In Mark, Jesus reveals shared faith and sacrificial love for God also makes us his family. Those who have received the identity of children of this God by his redeeming love, are also called to live love for him and each other. What can we learn from Ruth's story both about God, and about being part of his family of faith?
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Jun 18, 2023
Wisdom’s PriceJun 11, 2023
How Can We GrowJun 04, 2023
The Way of Wisdom 6-4-23May 28, 2023
Breath SupportMay 21, 2023
Mission of Hope Sunday 2023May 14, 2023
Strength in WeaknessMay 07, 2023
Among other godsApr 30, 2023
FreedomApr 16, 2023
Believe 2023Apr 09, 2023
Easter 2023Apr 02, 2023
Signs of TroubleMar 26, 2023
The Power of a KingMar 19, 2023
The Moment of TruthMar 12, 2023
A Tale of Two Trials