The Promised Land

God rescued his people from Egypt and gave them his law, but his promise of a new home remains unfulfilled. Today we'll learn about Joshua, who brought the people of Israel home into the promised land

A Free and Holy People

In the Exodus, God heard the cry of his people and rescued them from slavery. Now that they have been set free, God give them a charter for their new way of life. Today we'll read about God's gift of the ten commandments and the create of a people who are both holy and free.


God saved the people through Joseph, and in reconciliation, Joseph brought his family to Egypt to live with him. However, in time, as Joseph's people grew numerous, the pharaohs began to look on them with suspicion and fear. Eventually, the pharaohs made the Hebrew people slaves. And they cried out to God for Rescue!

God Intended It for Good

God promised to give Abraham and Sarah many descendants who would bless the world. One of them was a man named Joseph. Today we'll learn about Joseph's faithfulness to God in dark and confusing times and how he learned to see God's leading in his life.


God's human beings may have sinned and rebelled against him, but he refused to give up on them - or us! Today we'll learn about God's call of Abraham and Sarah and his unstoppable plan to love and save his people and his world.


God made a good and perfect world, but that's not the whole story of the world we live in now. Today we'll learn about the brokenness that has entered our world and how God can heal that sinful brokenness now and forever.

The Big God Story sermon series begins today with the story of creation.
