Feb 04, 2024
Kingdom AuthorityBased on 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 51-57 and John 10:1-10, we see that Jesus conquered death and promised us a resurrected life as he has. Jesus brings us this resurrected life as part of his promise of abundant life. He guarantees this by sending his Holy Spirit to us so that he can work in and through us. What are some ways that we can open up to God’s indwelling spirit? How are you currently living life? What would it be like to live life to the fullest?
We write about it, sing about it, long for it, and pray for it. But is it really that important? And if so, why?
The entire biblical narrative is filled with examples of one leader calling-out the next leader and then equipping them to lead the next generation. It is vital for the Church to continue this work today. So who called you out and who are you calling out for the future?
The Apostle Paul pleads with the Corinthian church to be in agreement in all that they do. But does he really mean everything? Not quite! Being unified in Christ brings us closer together to join in God's mission thanks to Jesus' saving grace and forgiveness in our lives!
The Apostle Paul took the mission of God seriously. In his first letter to the church he planted in Thessalonica, Paul encourages them to continue to actively follow Jesus in faith, hope, and love in the midst of a culture that was, at best, unaware of Jesus, and, at worst, hostile to the Gospel. How do we continue to persevere in faith, hope, and love, as followers of Jesus in a hostile world?
After Jesus' resurrection, he appeared to his disciples and "spoke about the kingdom of God" through the power of the Holy Spirit. But the disciples continued to be confused about the nature of this kingdom and their role in proclaiming it. How do we live as ambassadors of God's Kingdom in a world that is constantly grasping for power? We wait for the Holy Spirit and we walk in the way of Jesus.
On Palm Sunday, different people see Jesus as they want to see him; as a hero, as a rebel, as a bad investment. Amid these views, one woman sees Jesus as he is, offers her extravagant praise and is criticized by everyone except Jesus. Seeing her love, Jesus is moved and honors her for her 'beautiful' gift. What do you see when you look at Jesus? How do you think he sees you?
In Mark 9 Jesus disrupts the disciples' conversation of which of them is greatest by placing a child in the center. They don't understand, but won't ask him to explain. Jesus' way of Godly wisdom can look like foolishness to the world, but only the king of a kingdom that sees and values those the world doesn't, can find and redeem sinners like us.
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Jan 28, 2024
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All is BrightDec 17, 2023
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What Love Does