The Power of Humility

The world often defines pride and humility as good and bad self esteem- but Biblical humility isn't about how you feel about yourself- it's about having a life not centered on self, but on Christ. When He is our center, and not our own self promotion, our hearts are free to receive what he wants to build up in us. The humble heart is where Jesus works!

Wisdom's Invitation

Chapter 9 of Proverbs extends two different invitations - one from wisdom and one from foolishness. Which one will you accept and how can you tell the difference?

Speak Life

Do it Now

When you find yourself in trouble, the best time to do something about it is now. Confession and forgiveness are important in being able to move forward, but repentance is the step of faith that gets the ball rolling in a Christ-ward direction. When we walk the walk as well as talk the talk, our faith in what Jesus does grows, and expands. Where is Jesus calling you to take a step? Do it now.

Wisdom's Voice

Wisdom’s Price

Solomon pleaded with his sons to get wisdom no matter the cost. So what is the price of wisdom for us and how can we pay for it?

How Can We Grow

In Proverbs a father writes to his son, inviting him into a journey of growing in wisdom. In order to do so, first we need to want to grow, and secondly, to accept our teacher, and our role as student. Only the Lord gives true wisdom, and we grow when we remain in him, by learning Jesus, trusting Jesus, and imitating Jesus.

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