Guilt to Forgiveness

Why did Jesus die? Was he a tragic hero? A martyr? Was execution by crucifixion really necessary? Join us this week as we start a new series called Because He Died, to learn about the many things that Jesus’ death means for us and our world.

Being the Beloved

Our world today is constantly bombarding us with the message that we are not enough- selling us a lifestyle of lack. But in Christ Jesus, we have been given the gift of a new identity. We are the beloved. And as we dare to trust, and live out that truth in our lives, everything is changed!

Love’s Great Surprise

The parable of the Good Samaritan gives us a beautiful picture of selfless love, but how do we come to love like that? Does it come as the result of a command, or does it happen in our lives when we see that kind of love at work for us? Hear Love`s great surprise

Love is Most Important

Join us this week as we begin a new series called, "Love Like Crazy," where we explore what it means to love each other like Jesus. The Scriptures teach us that love is the most important, but what kind of love is most important?

Dreaming God's Dreams

God always intended for people to reflect his grace and goodness in the world. Join us this week as we dream together about God's vision for our church family to reflect Him in our corner out the world.

God has lead First Lutheran on a 125 year journey, and we're just getting started! Join us to learn the story and to imagine what God can do in his people now.

Growing and Bearing Fruit

This week is the final week of our series Juggling is for Clowns, and it’s the week that the whole series has been building toward. Join us as we learn from Jesus to see a different, well rooted, and fruitful vision for life instead of the hectic juggling that plagues so many of us.


Are you juggling too many things? Do you have too many balls in the air at once? Join us for this message as we learn from Jesus about “pruning” our lives to make them more fruitful in the long run.


Are you trying to keep too many balls in the air at one time? Are you ready to admit that Juggling is for Clowns! It’s time for something better. Join us for our new worship series, starting this weekend, to learn a better way of life from some key teachings of Jesus

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