Life's Jumping Points

The Great Ones

When James and John ask Jesus for the positions of power at his right and left, they are drawn into a lesson they don’t expect. In Jesus’ kingdom, greatness has a very different definition than the world uses. In his words they learn that it’s only in surrender, that we come to know the life God wants us to know.

No One Can Serve Two Masters

Sometimes it can be hard to choose what we really want. It can be hard to know what’s most important, and we wind up feeling conflicted and confused. Join us this week to learn from Jesus’ teaching about the value of singular purpose in life and about the gracious passion of God for us.

Salvation has Come to this House

When Jesus met a man named Zacchaeus, an amazing thing happened. Zacchaeus was moved from big time greed to lavish generosity because of the relationship they formed. Join us this week to learn from Jesus how resources follow relationships.

Colliding with the Cross

Have you ever wondered what is different about following Jesus? Join us as we begin our new Lent series, Collide, where we see just how different Jesus' way is from all the other kingdoms of the world. Today, we see a conflict with his first disciples where He reshapes their vision for life in His Kingdom beyond anything they expected.

Man Born Blind

When a man who was born blind was healed by Jesus, not only did he receive new physical sight, but he began to see the truth that would change his life forever. When we come to see Jesus, our lives are transformed from those seeking to find blame for the world’s problems to those who, following our savior, seek instead to see God glorified even in the midst of them.

Healing at the Pool

Born Again

What exactly is a “born again Christian”? Do you think Jesus meant the same thing by “born again” as people do today? Would you say that you have been born again? Join us to learn what Jesus had to say about this and why it matters for us now.


Do you ever feel like you’re running on empty? Join us for this message as we learn the story of Jesus’ first miracle and his power to refill our hearts, lives, and communities.

Called, Claimed, Commissioned

In Epiphany we see how God is doing a new thing for the world through Jesus. Jesus’ baptism is the Triune Moment where God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is at work to bring salvation for the world. Through the example of Jesus’ life, we see that God is at work to call us to himself, to claim us through Christ, and to commission each of us to live out this new life through his Holy Spirit.

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