Why Fight?

Why Fight? The Bible teaches us to understand the spiritual nature of the conflicts we face and the high stakes of the struggles we engage. Join us for this message to learn more about these conflicts and about the promise of God's victory for his world.

Something in the Air

Join us this week as Mike Bradley of the Master's Institute preaches about how to make a more positive environment.

Why Submit?

The word, "submit," is a powerful and charged word that can lead to incredible abuse or devotion. Join us today as we look at why we are called to submit to one another in our closest relationships.

Why Imitate?

You were created to be like God. That truth can bring joy and beauty to life, but it can also be bring trouble when we turn toward other things to meet the needs in our life that only God can meet. Join us this week to learn what Ephesians 5 means when it says to "Follow God's example."

Why Holiness?

What does the word "holiness" mean to you? Join us for this teaching from Ephesians 4 to learn about the Bible's call to a thriving life of holiness and joy.

Why Serve?

Why Serve? Sometimes when we are posed with this question we think service is expected from us because God wants productivity from us. In truth, our call to serve is not to benefit God, but to benefit us. When we respond to God’s invitation to see ourselves as heirs of his kingdom, we want to be part of what he’s doing in the world. God’s call to service draws us not only to bless each other, but also to find joy and peace in ourselves as well.

Why Ministry?

Why ministry? Ministry is not what a few people do that work for a church, but what God does through all of His disciples to change lives for His Kingdom. Join us to learn why Jesus' ministry changes lives and how we can be part of what is God is doing to change the world.

Why the Church?

Paul shows us through this passage in Ephesians that it is God’s intent that both heaven and earth see the victory of Christ through the church. But what makes the church, the church? What is it that God desires to show us, and work in us through this gathered community?

Why Unity?

Why Grace?

Why grace? It seems like an easy question. Everybody needs a little grace, right? But the things that pass for grace in our world are nothing compared to what the Bible teaches. Join us for this message to learn about the incredible power of God’s truthful grace.
