Christmas Program 2022

The Invitation

God invites his people to turn back to him as they return from exile. It's an invitation filled with promise and backed by his Word.

Dry Bones

As God's people prepare for their return from exile, God gives them a clear message: You need a resurrection!

Live Long and Prosper!

The message from the Prophet Jeremiah isn't a happy one, but it is a hopeful one. How can God's people prosper as strangers in a strange land?

Out of The Heart

Amos is sent to convict the people that their actions don't flow from the heart of God. Jesus comes to meet the thirst of our hearts with the living water of his grace, so that the righteousness of his heart may flow out of ours, to the world!

What Are You Doing Here?

Elijah fights an epic battle against the prophets of Baal, then runs off and hides. God's question to him: "What are you doing here?"

A Mighty Temple

Solomon's Temple was built to be the center of worship and unity for God's people but it quickly became the center of idolatry and division. How can Jesus fix this mess?

After God's Own Heart

In the story of David we learn the qualities of a person who seeks to be one after God's own heart: Faith, Passion, Humility and a Teachable Spirit. What makes David great, is not David, but the Lord who is with him. In Jesus' victory, in the power of his Holy Spirit given to us, that same Lord calls us his own.

Called In and Called Out

The Holy Spirit calls us into a relationship with God and calls us out to mission in the world. How should we respond to the Spirit's call and what is at stake if we don't?

Free Food!

How do we find God's provision when we don't yet see God's promise? We live generously in the present.

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