Ruben Cenea and Laura Taveras from Mission of Hope are friends with incredible hearts for Jesus. Hear their stories and experiences growing up in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, and how they see God's hope and grace in their communities.

Called Out

The Law always calls us out on our sins. But Jesus calls out to sinners with the love of God to forgive us and call us into a new life! That's the promise of the Gospel.

Drawn Out

Exodus is a book all about God's work drawing people out of crisis into joy through his rescue. It's not always an easy process. God brings the rescue- all he asks is that we trust, surrender, and have courage! What might God be drawing you through right now, to find new life on the other side?

Dream On

What Are You Laughing At?

In Genesis, Sarah laughs at the thought that she'd give birth to Isaac at age 90, but her laugh of disbelief becomes a laugh of joy at God's faithfulness. The Joy of the Gospel is knowing the salvation that's impossible for us to achieve is made possible by Jesus' achievement for us. What God promises, he will do.


God creates life and we cultivate life. How do we partner with God in tending to His garden?

The Gift of Friendship

True friendship is a gift both given and received- mutually chosen and selflessly given. To have a real friend, you first need to offer to be one. While it is true that Jesus makes us family, he also specifically tells us that he chooses to call us Friends. What does it look like for us to receive that gift from him, and return it?

Smoke and Mirrors

The Power of Humility

The world often defines pride and humility as good and bad self esteem- but Biblical humility isn't about how you feel about yourself- it's about having a life not centered on self, but on Christ. When He is our center, and not our own self promotion, our hearts are free to receive what he wants to build up in us. The humble heart is where Jesus works!

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