The Three Marys

In the Gospels, three Marys represent Jesus' kingdom: Mary Mother says "Do what he says", Mary of Bethany calls us to worship boldly, Mary Magdalene calls us to tell your story- "I have seen the Lord!". How is the Lord calling you to represent him in your life today?

Grace Johnson introduces us to house churches, fancy scripture reading, and more. Bonus content for this episode also available on our YouTube channel.

Moses the Reluctant Liberator

In the midst of enslavement in Egypt, Moses was called to be the spokesman to God's people of God's liberation, leading, and feeding. And to point to the one who would be the ultimate liberator, guide, and shepherd of all.

Jesus, Politics, and Religion

Jesus Christ was born into a polarized and divided time of human history. Much like today, the various "parties" claimed they represented God in their desire to wield earthly power. But Jesus resisted that temptation in order to reveal God's love to a broken world.

Today, we’re discussing houses and homes with someone who truly loves White Bear Lake, Joy Erickson of Edina Realty. We’ll also speak with Grace Johnson from local Master’s Institute Seminary about house churches.

David: After God's Own Heart

God chose David to represent him because he was a 'man after God's own heart'. He displayed this best in his willingness to let God re-form him when he got off track. We who are 'after God's own heart' must also be willing to let him 're-form' us daily, to help us look like Jesus.

Esther: Stand in the Gap

As Esther is called to represent her people before the king, asking for his mercy, so Jesus stands in the gap for all broken humanity. How might he be calling us as his people, to represent God's love, remembering our common humanity and our common need for grace?


How do we represent God when we feel so weak? The story of Gideon shows us that God's strength is often found in human weakness. In fact, that is the surest way to see God's glory.

Blessed Father

Who do you represent? Your nation? Your family? Your ethnicity? As we explore the story of Abraham, we will learn how he was called to relinquish those earthly identities in order to represent God's vision to bless the world.

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