The Holy Spirit it transforming Community of Grace into a community of disciples on a mission of grace. What does this mean for our future as a congregation? Come and see what the Holy Spirit is revealing to us in our ministry and mission.
In John's 2nd and 3rd letters we are reminded that Living the Love of God can't be separated from living in the way of God- because the hope the world needs is more than human kindness- it also needs the love and grace of the Savior, which he offers all who desire to be reconciled to God. It is the greatest challenge of our discipleship to walk in both truth and love, letting our witness show both that the world needs a savior, and that we have one.
John calls us to use discernment and to love one another, but what do these two instructions have to do with each other? How do we love others well while exercising discernment?
John's first letter to the Church is filled with love and light; both key attributes of God. What does it mean to walk in the way of Jesus in a world that often feels so dark and filled with hate?
The final words of the Apostle James focus on the centrality of prayer in the life of the Christian community. How are we called to put our faith into action through prayers of faith?
In James 4 we are challenged not just to change our behavior, but to intentionally check our motivations. What is it we really want? When we learn to bring our real and perceived needs to God first, trusting him for what is good for us, it frees us to be able to see our neighbor not as our competition or a means to an end, but as someone for whom we also want good things. We seek to be like the good God we trust.
James dives into some insanely practical tips on holy living, specifically addressing what comes out of our mouths. Does God care what words we use? What does Jesus say about our hearts impacting our mouths? Is there a Christian ethic for how we speak, and if so, how specific is it?
James 2 encourages us to live our faith so our actions match what we believe. As Martin Luther discovered in Ephesians 2, There is no power to live the Christian life apart from the love of Christ in us, which makes this call to action, first and foremost, a call to relationship. In John 14 Jesus' call to us," If you love me, keep my commands" is followed by him sending the Holy Spirit to help us. This is not something we can do alone. Because we love him, we strive to show our faith through our actions but only through his love put into action for our sake by the cross, will we be called righteous.
James was the first Epistle written and has a focus on living out our faith in Jesus. A life of faith influences the world and transforms people who walk in faith and obedience.
Sometimes when something promised hasn't happened yet; we think it never will. Peter teaches in 2nd Peter 3 that God's relationship with time is different than ours. Ours is not to guess or try to manipulate his timing but to make the best use of the time he's given us. Jesus gives us a promise of an eternal hope, the gift of his own eternal life to share. How does that promised future shape your life now?
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