The Gospel of John is full of signs. But if you focus only on the signs, you may miss where they are pointing.
The Woman Jesus met at the well had been defined and dismissed by her community as one without worth. Jesus shocks her by rising above every one of those definitions, to reveal how he sees her; as one God loves, who he came to invite into a life changing relationship with God, by his grace. From that moment on, that's what defines her. What does Jesus see in you?
Is belief in Jesus a destination or a journey? And what does it mean to believe? Discover the story of Nicodemus as he comes to Jesus with his own questions of belief.
Of all the amazing miracles of Jesus, why was his first one turning water to wine for a wedding? There is more to this story!
Jesus invites his disciples to follow him not just so that he can teach them what to do but also so that they can see who he is. That is the nature of our "come and see" faith.
God invites his people to turn back to him as they return from exile. It's an invitation filled with promise and backed by his Word.
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