The Wind Changes

All around the arrival of the Messiah, the wind of the Holy Spirit begins to move, stirring minds and hearts! Jesus came to give us Hope in the proclamation of his Kingdom- Jesus' gift for us, lifts us to Return and Receive what the Holy Spirit gives-God's own presence in us!

Mighty Warrior

What is God calling you to be and do that scares you? The story of Gideon is a powerful illustration of how God uses our weakness and fear to display his strength and encourage our faith.

Is there hope for the future?

Do you have hope? Jeremiah was a prophet with very little hope, speaking to a people with very little hope. How does the God of living hope speak into their lives, and what can we glean from his wisdom?

Sent Fishing

Our God is Holy, Holy, Holy- we can't live in his life, unless he makes the impossible possible for us, and in Jesus, he has! Jesus sends those who know the power of his grace to live like Fish Bait- to attract others into the net of his love. Who is the Lord sending you fishing for today?

All Saints, All In

As we wrap up our focus on our Mission and Values, we need to commit to live them out fully in our lives and our community. This is a call for all the saints and sinners to be "all in!"

While we can see, love, and serve people like Jesus at any time, it takes discernment to know when the time is right to teach someone as Jesus does. How can we grow in teaching others as Jesus does, as the Holy Spirit leads us?

Love and Serve Like Jesus

If we see people the way Jesus sees them, we will also want to love and serve them as Jesus does. How Jesus loves and serve people depends on what will help them receive the saving grace he freely gives! How is the Holy Spirit calling you to love and serve others, so they may know Jesus through you?

See People

Jesus had a unique way of seeing people that challenged the norms of his day. How are we called to see people like Jesus sees people today?

Speak Jesus

A true disciple of Jesus doesn't just act like Jesus; they sound like him, too. In what ways are we called to Speak Jesus so those around us can be drawn to the sound of his voice?

Imitate Jesus

When you hear "imitate Jesus," what images come to mind? Miraculous power? Arguing with Pharisees? Serving others? As we unveil our third of four Formational Values at CGLC (how we become disciples), hear what we mean when we say, "Imitate Jesus."

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