There are so many things in this world that make empty promises to us. We are promised happiness if we buy the newest product, self-esteem if we dress the right way, good friends if we learn where to find them and how to keep them. In this message we hear Jesus’ own words on the “Full-fillment” that he offers us and invites us to trust.
Jesus may be the most famous person who ever lived, but few of us ever seriously considered that we could live like he lived. He called his disciples to "follow me", and he still calls people today to follow his example today.
"Repent" is not a popular word. It's often said with shame and accusation. But when Jesus called people to repent, he was calling them to a life of freedom and joy. In this message, we'll learn how Jesus' kind of repentance can bring joy to our lives too.
Jesus came as the fulfillment of God's promise. He came to be a savior to save us from our sin, to save us for relationship with God forever. Only one could do this, so God sent his son.
One of the most overlooked things about the Christmas story is that it is the story of a new beginning. Do you need a fresh start in some area of your life? Join us for this message and learn how Christmas 2011 can be a clean slate and new beginning for you in the grace and power of Jesus.
The prophet Isaiah spoke God’s promises of a new and healed world in Christ, but those promises also expose the problems with our world and with our lives now. When "The Big God Story" continues next week we will hear the prophets’ strong calls for mercy and justice among those who worship God.
In the days of the exile God’s people call out to him for hope. God gives his Prophet Isaiah a message of great hope! God would send a Messiah to usher in a whole new era of life: the New Creation, God’s intended future for us !
In The Big God Story, the story of the Old Testament leads to the coming of the promised King Jesus. When The Big God Story continues next week on the First Sunday of Advent, we will begin reading the prophecies of the coming King, beginning with the prophet Daniel’s vision of the Savior and Son of Man.
During the reign of King Solomon, both Israel and its kings drifted away from God, and the kingdom was divided. Today we'll read about God's divided people. We'll learn what it means to be faithful to God in a world that isn't and how God works through Jesus to heal what has been broken.
King David, though far from perfect, was "a man after God's own heart," and Israel reached its glory days under his leadership. Today we'll learn about David's son Solomon. Solomon started out in great wisdom and blessing but finished his days in real disaster. Join us to see what went wrong and to learn about a life of enduring faithfulness.