There is a time for everything; and a season for every activity under the heavens” How do we live as disciples in every season? It's all about connection!
What kind of future can you expect from an old stump? None, unless God's Spirit brings new life to old roots.
God's presence is always present in the present! How do we stay connected to God in the "here and now" when we are tempted to live in the past or long for the future?
In Advent as we look to honor the God who was and is and is to come, we begin by remembering who God was. Knowing how God was faithful in the past helps us trust God for who he IS in our lives today, and to trust him for what is yet to come
The Apostle Paul admonished the Church in Corinth to excel in the grace of giving. What does this mean and how do we grow in this grace in our own lives?
God is the source and we are the re-source. So how do we grow as a resource of God's blessings? By sowing and reaping.
On All Saints Day we light candles remembering those who have shone the light of Christ into our lives. These last years we've lost much, yet this day we also celebrate in Christ we are found, and have much yet to discover! Nothing is lost, that Jesus holds; so today, let your light shine!
Sometimes the Church has blind spots. For Lutherans, that can mean an unfamiliarity with the person and work of the Holy Spirit. How can we begin to see him more clearly?
What does it mean to "be the Church in the World?" Am I really qualified to minister to other people? Find out what it means to be part of a royal priesthood in your daily life.
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