Power, Prestige, Popularity, Money, and Comfort are all things that people equate with "Success" in life, but Jesus shows us that a life successfully lived is a life marked by servant hearted love. How does knowing Jesus challenge your idea of success?
How do we come up with solutions for the many things that affect our lives? First, we must clearly define the universal problem - sin.
Every team is put together for a purpose- and takes 'players' with diverse gifts in order to accomplish that purpose. How can we encourage our teammates, and together live our mission to love those not yet on "team Jesus" so they want to know him too?
Your family's story is your story. If Jesus makes us part of God's family, then there is no more important story for us to know than the story of Israel.
Nothing kills our joy faster than comparing ourselves to others. Galatians 6 invites us to find our joy instead in Christ's invitation for us, to live our own story in his redeeming love that is Beyond Compare.
What part does the Holy Spirit play in our life with Jesus? Everything from start to finish!
Is the Good News good enough? Find out as we explore Paul's letter to the Galatians.
This season of life invites us to transition from a focus on personal productivity to one centered on kingdom purpose. How might an eternal perspective change where you find meaning?
It's hard to see your own children the way God sees them. How do we follow Jesus and help our children to follow Jesus as they become young adults?
Discipleship can be confusing in the early seasons of life, but between any seasons there are liminal spaces, transitions that can be difficult. How do we navigate these?
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