In our text today, a maker of Idols creates a riot to vent his anger toward Paul and his fellow Christians for their lack of support for his industry. In a beautiful move of God’s miraculous power, this riot is resolved peacefully without bloodshed, in a way that allowed the culture to think better of the Christians than they had before. What lesson might this story teach us about how to live as Jesus’ people in our current world?
Do you live according to the ‘should’ or the Savior? One brings a feeling of duty to life, the other brings joy and purpose. In the story of Priscilla and Aquila, a husband and wife team up to teach an energetic young preacher named Apollos. Although this was a huge cultural risk at the time, Priscilla chose to serve what was most important- helping the world know its savior. In Luke10, Jesus affirmed Mary for choosing to learn at his feet rather than serving cultural expectations. When we let go of what the world thinks, and care most about what Jesus thinks, our lives can produce fruit through a power much greater than our own. Is your life centered in the should, or the savior?
Have you ever wondered how you can live out your faith more authentically in the midst of a challenging culture? Join us this week as we study at Paul's journey to Athens and how he was moved by faith rather than fear in the challenging culture of Athens.
Following Jesus means that life will always be easy, right? Not exactly. This week we are reading a story from Acts 13-14 about two ancient Christians named Paul and Barnabas who faced some tough challenges in their life and faith. Join us this week to learn about the strength God gives us for the challenges we face.
The story of Cornelius and Peter from the early church shows us that when God sees a heart that is seeking Him, what he wants most is for that person not to stay a ‘lone ranger Christian’ but to be drawn into a community of faith. How is God still doing this in us today?
Join us today, as we study the conversion of the apostle Paul and how the power of Christ can bring enemies together as friends in our lives today.
Have you ever felt like something is missing in life? Have you ever tried to figure out what it is? In today’s message we learn about one of the world’s most interesting spiritual seekers and how the truth he was looking for eventually found him.
Do you ever wonder about what happens next, after this earthly life is over? Or do you wonder how some people can seem so certain about their future and still be so unchanged in their present? This week we’re reading the story of Stephen, the first Christian to die for his faith. Join us for this message to learn an incredible story of eternal hope that also has the power to change your present.
Sharing life with other people makes life great. Sharing life with other people makes life hard. Join us for this message as we continue our journey through the book of Acts and learn what the early church did to follow the way of Jesus when life in community started to get hard.
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