In Epiphany we see how God is doing a new thing for the world through Jesus. Jesus’ baptism is the Triune Moment where God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is at work to bring salvation for the world. Through the example of Jesus’ life, we see that God is at work to call us to himself, to claim us through Christ, and to commission each of us to live out this new life through his Holy Spirit.
Have you ever had an “epiphany,” a moment when you “saw the light” about something in your life? Today is Epiphany Sunday, a Sunday for us to see the light and learn about what God is doing in Jesus. Join us for this message and open your heart to an epiphany of Jesus Christ.
Christmas is usually the end of a big build up. But what if Christmas was the just the beginning? Join us for this message to learn how God worked in the very first Christmas and what God might be doing in your life.
Waiting for God’s Rescue: In a world where there is so much darkness, the waiting times can be very difficult. But God has promised us that one day there will be a new reign established, where darkness is banished. That kingdom reign has already been set in motion in Jesus’ birth. We wait for Gods’ ultimate rescue, but we do not wait in vain because the victory has already been won. What then, gives us real hope, in the waiting time?
What does God want from me? Most of us have wondered that at one time or another. As we continue in our Advent series Waiting, we’ll be learning this Sunday about Waiting for God’s Guidance” Join us for this week’s message to learn how God guides his people through life.
This Sunday is the first Sunday of the Christian year and the first Sunday of Advent, the 4-week season that leads up to Christmas. We’re starting a brand new, very ancient worship journey this Sunday through the ups, downs, twists, and turns of the Christian year, beginning with a season of Waiting. Although we don’t like to wait much in our culture, some of the most important things in life require us to wait. Join us for this message as we learn about “Waiting for God’s Justice.”
Can you think of any “turning point” or “fork in the road” moments in your life? Jesus gave his first disciples a moment like that when he told them that he was going to die on a cross. That was enough to send many of his disciples running away. But the ones who stayed were strengthened so much that their message has changed the world. Join us on this for this message hear the good news of Christ the Crucified King.
Saint and Sinner. Some people divide the world into these two categories. Some people see the line running right through themselves. As we continue our Trail Markers series this week, join us as we learn from the Bible and from the Christians who have gone before us about the power of sin and salvation in our lives.
As we continue our Trailmarkers series today, we explore how Luther's sign, Sola Scriptura, can help us grow in maturity as followers of Christ rather than travelling off the trail in other directions.